Sunday, January 6, 2013

#14: Free Bagels!

"26 acts of kindness","26 acts", "random acts of kindness","#26acts"
Leaving coupons for strangers is such a fun and easy way to perform an act of kindness.  Today we ate at Goldberg's, so I pulled out my $5 off coupon.  I noticed that there was a second coupon for "Buy 12 bagels, get 6 free", and we weren't going to use it.

I brought the coupon to the bagel counter and asked the bagel man to give the coupon to the next customer ordering bagels.  To my surprise, he got really excited!  I think he said something like "That is great!  I will tell the next person that a nice lady left this coupon.  Wait, do you want to wait here a minute?  You can watch me give it to the next person."  I was excited that he was excited, so I asked him if I could take his picture with the coupon.

I told him that I didn't want to wait because I didn't want the recipient to know it came from me.  He promised he would help me carry out my act of kindness, and I trust that he did. :)

1 comment:

  1. What a terrific Act of Kindness and a great example to others! thank you for sharing!
